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What is Market Research?
Many companies like to test their advertising, products and the services they offer on the people who these are aimed or will be aimed at. That way they can ensure successful ad campaigns; sell their products effectively and offer the services most wanted. To do this, they often employ independent companies to carry out research across a spectrum of people. This research can be in the form of on-the-street questionnaires, over the phone questionnaires, one to one interviews and group discussions. Research takes place during the day, evenings and sometimes the weekend. This is market research and Market Research Recruitment specialises in recruiting focus groups and one-to-one interviews. There is no right or wrong answer; the companies are only interested in your honest opinions for which you will be paid from £30 to £150 plus, depending on the nature and time span of the research.

Market research is regulated by the Code of Conduct of the Market Research Society and complies with Data Protection/Human Rights legislation. The information that is collected and provided to clients is strictly controlled for market research purposes only, so you can be assured that taking part in an interview or group will not result in any approach to you as an individual of a sales or promotional nature. You can be assured that everything that you say or do will be confidential and anonymous.

If you are interested in taking part in market research discussions, please register. Once we have your details, we will be able to contact you when an appropriate market research arises. You may rest assured that all details you furnish us with are totally protected by the Data Protection Act and that we will only pass onto our clients such information as you agree upon subject to the requirements of any particular research. Your personal details are required to validate that recruitment is properly conducted in the interests of our clients and that you were satisfied with the way the recruitment and subsequent interview/group was carried out. It is possible therefore that you may be contacted by phone or letter to check the recruitment/interview/group was conducted correctly.



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